Today, as I write this newsletter I am thinking about the fact that this is the first day of the Fall Season. Someone I walk with in the morning told us this was so….and I thought do I really care? ? Well the answer was yes I guess I do, if I did not my life would be passing and I would just be an on looker, a non-participant, that would be sad! So, I have made a list, as I am a list maker, and now I need to accomplish the items upon that list. The list I make are not always obtainable, however, I do believe this one is unless I start adding things. Who really cares about the dust???? Right??? First and foremost are the Guild duties I need to dispatch and once those are completed I just may rush right into that dusting. You will notice may is underlined! So onward!
I would say that the Reheated Leftovers class was great but it has not happened yet – it is tomorrow and I do have expectations that it will be a great lot of fun. Getting ready for the class is still on yesterday’s list. (oppsss)
Mary Richardson told about the December Christmas Party meeting. It sounds great and is in an easily accessible and familiar location – Gabby’s – The $2 fee can be paid to the Treasurer anytime – that will hold your reservation. Perhaps Mary will give us yet another ‘teaser’ at the October meeting.
We are looking forward to a class by Katya Holen for the Twisted Log Cabin that she had shown during our July Meeting’s ‘Come to the Fair’. She has been a bit on the crazy busy side since she retired and of course it is summer and they do love to go to the mountains and they have done some traveling also but we have gotten her to commit to October 29th, 9 am to 1 pm, class fee of $20. Space is limited. The fee can be paid at the October meeting, see Nina at the check in table. Let us know if you want one of those spaces.
The October Meeting will be Scott Beaver, he can be found at the meeting promises to be an interesting evening, and full day for those who choose to take his workshop: ‘
See ya’ at the meeting, Monday, the 3rd of October 2011, at Gabby’s Diner & Catering doors are open at 6:30 p.m.
Now for the Statistics, Checklist, Upcoming Events, etc., etc., etc., etc.,
Member’s _45_ (includes 3 new)
Visitors & Non Members_3__
Meeting Checklist for Oct.:
__Block of the Month
__Wounded Warrior Block
__Fat Qrtr (Leaf prints for Oct.)
__Your Badge
__Raffle Funds
__LUV Quilts
__LUV Pillowcases
__Sew and Share Items
__Notebook and Pen/Pencil
Refreshments Reminder for September: SNACKS: June Busch Angela Peterson DRINKS: JoAnn Allen & Virginia Biggs