LUV Quilts and Quilts for CSU-Pueblo for 1st time mothers were in abundance. This was a marvelous showing of generosity that is so abundant in our guild.
Some of these were done using the pattern 'Yellow Brick Road' was graciously donated to our club by the creators at Atkinson Designs, for use as our 2010 LUV quilt pattern.
What a wonderful showing, but there is more.....yes, yes - it is PILLOWCASES that showed up for donations also! ! !
Of course Sew and Share was another favorite - we do love to see what others have accomplished and to share what we have done..another inspiring show!!!
The program was given by the Board and was tip after tip after tip - it was fast moving and fun. Some tips we knew but were given and new twist and some were new - with a crowd like that it would be hard to have all new tips...everyone enjoyed the program and came away with at least a couple of good tips to start there month of quilting off.
Happy Quilting!!!
Go here for free quilt tags to download and print.