Our meeting in October was Scott Beaver from Manitou Springs, it proved to be an interesting evening, he
told of how he got started and shared a trunk show that was inclusive of his beginning quilting efforts to
date. He had a full day with the class for ‘Shades of . . . .’ earlier that afternoon prior to the meeting.
We, who were involved in the class for the Twisted Log
Cabin, had an enjoyable experience. Each of the participants
were assembled one of the four blocks (some got more
completed) and were given the methods to accomplish the
remainder of the wall hanging. Sooooo… there may be a
couple of the wall hangings showing up soon – or later after
all we are heading into the Holiday seasons with gifts to
make, purchase, wrap, send, etc etc etc.
Those of you who have worked on Wounded Warrior quilts –
made blocks – put the quilts together – quilted the quilt – put
a binding on – well anyway you get the idea. Janet Flick
conveyed the message that we have been extended an
invitation to attend the Wounded Warrior Graduation and
potluck. It is scheduled for 11/10 beginning at 6 pm. If you
are interested or would like more information, contact Janet
at 719-783-2955 or see her at the November Meeting.
Sew and Socialize – in October not many showed up –
however those that did enjoyed chatting and stitching
followed by lunch – it was nice to have time to chat and we
had applique, a quilt binding and hand quilting goin’ on – it was
great, stitching and getting to know one another – Next
scheduled Sew and Socialize for November 16th again at the
Library 9 am to 12:45 pm with the option to have go out to
lunch with us - hope to see you there.
Well, here we are at the bottom of the page and I still have
more things….let’s do the most important first….Novembers meeting will be followed by Cindy Thomas, she
appears to be a very busy person, she works at Ruth’s Stitchery in Colorado Springs, where she is their
expert on Wool and Quilting. She also has a web site: http://www.dreamcatcherquilting.com/ that entails a
business along with it…busy lady. It should be an interesting program.
Christmas Party December 5thAt Gabby’s Diner
Dinner at 6 pm
$2.00 per member attending is due
by November meeting. $10.00 for
To reserve your place, please make
and pay for your reservation with
Chicken / Roast Beef
Mashed Potatoes / Gravy
Wheat Rolls / Green Beans / Salad
Coffee / Ice Tea / Water
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Dessert provided by
The Christmas Party Committee
LUV Quilts 2011:
_0_ newly donated _66_ YTD
39 Quilts for Joplin (included above)
14 Bama Bound Quilts (included above)
LUV Pillowcases 2011:
_0_ newly donated _32_ YTD
9 pillowcases to Joplin (included above)
Wounded Warrior Quilts 2011:
_0_newly donated _17_ YTD
Member’s _34_ (includes - new)
Visitors & Non Members_1__
Meeting Checklist for
__Block of the Month
__Wounded Warrior Block
__Fat Quarter
(Christmas Prints for Nov.)
__Your Badge
__Raffle Funds
__LUV Quilts
__LUV Pillowcases
__Sew and Share Items
__Notebook and Pen/Pencil
Refreshments for
DRINKS: Sally Hill / Cheryl Eaton
SNACKS: Heidi Gard / Andie Eggering